One can see this in every behavior. People belonging to the same zodiac sign tend to display similar characteristics. Many people might not believe in astrology or horoscopes. But you cannot ignore these similarities.
What kind of alcohol is your zodiac sign? Let us look at these traits in this article.
Aries :

Aries are bold people who are not afraid of speaking their mind. If they like to meet any challenge head-on? Then, they would love to have red colored drinks. Vodka along with tomato and lemon juice will suit them the most. This sign is one of the most colorful zodiac signs.
Taurus :

People belonging to Taurus are simple and straightforward. Gin along with olives and dry vermouth is the right kind of drink for this zodiac sign. On a thought of experimentation, can do with vodka instead of gin.
Gemini :

Gemini is the sign of twins. The people with this zodiac are expressive and quick-witted. The Caipirinha is the perfect zodiac compatibility with this zodiac sign. Accordingly, explains why they love cocktails more than anything else.
Cancer :

Cancer is an emotional sign. People belonging to this sign love to have the warm and comfortable feeling. Hence, they do not opt for flashy drinks. Classic rum along with Coke is the perfect drink for them to choose
Leo :

Leo is the most dominant of all zodiac signs. These people love to have a lot of drama in their lives making them a very glamorous people. Hence, a champagne cocktail is the best alcoholic drink for them to prefer. And, it allows them to shine in the spotlight. Champagne is a sort of a status symbol for Leo. Live your life like a King and indulge in the Emperor of all drinks.
Virgo :

Virgo is the sign of level-headed people. People belonging to Virgo love earthy tastes. They are of an uncomplicated nature and support a healthy regimen. Gin along with lime juice and soda is the best drink for this zodiac sign to adopt.
Libra :

Librans love music and conversing with people. They like the simple drinks that are gentle and harmonious. Gin along with orange juice suits the Librans the most. They make choices to balance everything in their lives. Hence, we cannot see them going beyond the second or third glass.
Scorpio :

People belonging to Scorpio are ready to face any challenge in their lives. They are intense people who do not like food adulteration. The Negroni is the best cocktail sign that suits Scorpio zodiac the most. On a thought of experimentation, can also add spicy flavors. A blend of Cognac and crème de menthe are also preferable as well.
Sagittarius :

People with Sagittarius are not afraid to explore the unknown. Thence, they are always ready to experiment. A blend of Scotch and dry vermouths are the best combination of this zodiac sign. This cocktail drink stimulates their imagination and brings out their best.
Capricorn :

Capricorn is a head-strong zodiac sign. People with Capricorn love to work hard and drink hard. They can adapt to any situation they face. Gin along with dry vermouth is superior to this zodiac sign. Thence, they love strong but with simple combinations.
Aquarius :

People with Aquarius like to talk a lot because of their whimsical nature. They love to have this streak in their drinks as well. And, they are not averse to trying out cocktail drinks. It follows them their temperamental nature is what endears them the most.
Pisces :

Pisces believes in being simple, sweet, and gentle. The best cocktail drink for the people with Pisces zodiac sign is the blend of White Rum and lime juice. This combination leads them to a life of fantasy.

Final Word :
You have seen the alcoholic drinks by zodiac signs. Each sign has its individual preference. Zodiac compatibility is an essential factor in this regard.