One must have seen these lines before. Cigarette smoking is definitely injurious to health. Just like any other health-related activity, there are many smoking myths. Let us bust some of them.
Myth No 1: Smoking is good for you. You live longer and a healthier life.
Fact: It's a proven fact that Cigarette smoking is Injurious to health. How can anyone expect a smoker to live long? Statistics suggest that smoking one cigarette reduces 14 minutes of your lifespan. More than a 100 people die in Canada each day due to moking-related problems. Smoking nicotine has become more dangerous than it was 50 years ago.Myth No 2: Smoking does not give you any other disease but Lung cancer.
Fact: Smoking is a very dangerous habit. It can affect any organ of the body and not the lungs alone. The list of diseases caused due to smoking is listed below.- Cancer of the lung, liver, rectum, breast, and colon
- Heart diseases
- Osteoporosis and low bone density
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Kidney problems and high blood pressure
- Arthritis
- Blindness
- Infertility and Impotence
- Diabetes (Type 2): There are more than 4000 chemicals in cigarettes. These chemicals constrict the blood vessels and thereby reducing the flow of blood throughout the body. Continuous smoking results in an increase in the risk of contracting Type 2 Diabetes
Myth No 3: A habitual smoker should not worry because the damage is already done.
Fact: The greater health benefits of quitting smoking, will add years to your lifespan. One can see the change within six hours the moment one stops smoking.
Myth No 4: A few cigarettes here and there should not do any harm.
Fact: It’s a known fact that smoking one cigarette can reduce 14 precious minutes of your lifespan. The is always risk associated with smoking. It does not change whether you are a chain smoker or an occasional one.Myth No 5: Smoking is a stress buster.
Fact: If this were true, the whole world would have been up in smoke today. People who smoke regularly do feel a little less stressed out. The reason is they experience a decrease in their nicotine withdrawal symptoms. There is no advantage in indulging the stress smoking. A smoker who experience stress relief is only due to deep breaths while smoking. Health care provider suggests that taking deep breaths during stress is always beneficial. Resorting to stress smoking cannot solve the problem. Smoking cigarettes can increase the stress by tensing the muscles, increasing the heart rate, constricting blood vessels, and reducing the supply of oxygen to the brain.Myth No 6: You stand to gain weight when you quit smoking.
Fact: Quitting smoking might cause a weight gain, but not always. Heavy smokers might gain some weight in the first two months. Smoking burns calories. Hence, when you quit smoking, one has to compensate for that. Usually, people do not exercise and thereby gaining weight naturally. A brisk walk for half an hour can set right the calorie count. Consult your healthcare provider before you make changes to your diet.
Myth No 7: Quit smoking and you lose energy.
Fact: Nicotine is a stimulant and thus can give a burst of energy for a very short time. Quitting smoking reduces the supply of nicotine in the body. Smoking weakens the lungs and thus it reduces the supply of oxygen to various parts of the body. Hence, this might result in feeling a bit tired. Finally, the body will make up the loss quickly as it prepares itself for a life without smokingMyth No 8: Cold Turkey is the only way to quit smoking.
Fact: Cold Turkey is one way, but not the only one to quit smoking. You cannot get out from the bed one fine morning and declare, ‘I have quit smoking.” Heavy smokers need effective counseling and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). Some of the effective ones are lozenges, gums, sprays, or inhalers. It is better to take the slower route out to reduce the risk of a relapse. Try out the electronic cigarette route as well.Myth No 9: Once a smoker, always a smoker!
Fact: Quitting does need a lot of willpower, but it is not impossible. Millions of people all over the world have quit smoking successfully. There are people who have slipped into relapses. Quitting may not be easy, but it is always possible.Myth No 10 Smoking mild cigarette is harmless.
Fact: There is no such thing as a harmless cigarette. You might end up puffing harder, ensuring an intake of a regular quantity of nicotine. As far as risks are concerned, they are the same.Myth No 11: Vaping is safe.
Fact: An electronic cigarette may or may not contain nicotine depending on the composition of the vaporizing liquid. However, statistics show that they are not safe either. There have been cases of people contracting dreaded diseases like cancer. Batteries have exploded and caused unnatural injuries.Myth No 12: Passive smoking should not be a problem.
Fact: When you indulge in passive smoking, you inhale second-hand smoke. It is as harmful as active smoking. In fact, second-hand smoke is the major cause of lung cancer. Inhaling this smoke for about 30 minutes can harden arteries.Myth No 13: There is no such concept as third hand smoke.
Fact: Third-hand smoke is toxins trapped in furniture, carpets, hair, dust, and toys. Inhaling this smoke is different from passive smoking, but the risk factors persist. There have been cases of children suffering from brain and lung problems.
Myth No 14: Tobacco is beneficial for the economy.
Fact: This Statement does not explain you to smoke today and improve the economy. There is no need for ruining your health for the sake of improving the economy. There are better ways to do so. Thus, if someone says smoking is good for you, ask him to go for a toss. The health benefits of quitting smoking are more important than improving the economy.“If you wish to quit smoking, stop the first puff.”
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