But, tea contains many complex chemical compounds. Nicotine is one such compound found in tobacco, eggplant, potatoe, cauliflower and tea. The combination of tea and cigarette acts as mind stimulant that people enjoy.

Scientific studies state that "the levels of nicotine in tea ranges from negligible to 285ng of nicotine per gram of tea and 100 ng per gram in black tea leaves (whether regular or decaf tea)." Both the tea and cigarettes are associated with relaxation, enjoyment & 'taking a break.' Nowadays, people in India call it as 'Chai-Sutta' time.
Smoking lures people to drinking almost anything with a “sharp” tinge. The sharpness of tea is offset in a sense by the softness of the smoke taste — almost a “coating” feeling — which is then washed away by another sip of the sharp sensation liquid! Usually, young people take up smoking around the same time as drinking tea. It is not because of age issues but because the two effects for someone who is new to both experiences are synergistic producing enjoyment.
There are few psychological reasons behind the addiction of cigarettes with tea. It is usual that the mouth goes dry upon smoking and people look for cheapest liquid available. Hence, tea becomes the natural choice. Combination of tea and cigarette supposedly enhances the flavour, making it addictive. It is a known that nicotine doubles the amount of tea you need as your body metabolizes it faster.
Additionally, the combination of tea and cigarette acts as an 'ice-breaker.' Gather around people with a cigarette and tea in your hand; one suddenly becomes the most social animal on this planet. And no wonder, one turns out to be best buddies for your 'Chai-sutta' time. Even in old-fashioned places in India today, one can spot street-vendors, who individually sell a cup of tea, and a single cigarette as a "Combo package." These places also form platforms for people to share their anguish, a kind of a venting place.

Both are addictive and act as a dopamine supplement in the brain. The "reward/pleasure" aspect is amplified more than consuming each separately. Basically, when the mind is in a state where ‘dopamine supplements’ has been increased above baseline, it is easier to form habits, associations, and experience reward from other things which also increase dopamine. In today's time, the combination of tea and cigarettes has become a 'thing' with more and more people joining the club.